It’s time for an inner strategy.

Express Connect


We provide coaching, training, and consulting services to help you increase productivity, performance, the quality of your relationships, and the quality of your daily experiences.

Our team of Transformational Strategists have proven outcomes creating a blueprint with individuals and businesses to help them achieve their desired results.

What type of strategies?

strategies For your business.

We provide strategies for your business management style, your employee retention plan, how to increase morale, how to improve your team’s unity, and company culture.

strategies for your career.

We provide strategies for your career development, performance, productivity, relational intelligence, and self-confidence.

strategies for your relationships.

We provide strategies to improve your relationship with yourself, your relationship with your partner, family, friends, colleagues, and others.

Our Approach
Silvia Gálvez’s Inner Transformational Method

The biggest challenge that stops us from experiencing our desired results is not lack of motivation. What stops us is that we create our reality through our subconscious mind and belief systems. The untrained brain and unhealed wounds drive our belief systems, our thoughts, how we make decisions, our behaviors, our performance, our productivity, how we present ourselves to the world, and what we believe we can achieve.

We help individuals heal their inner child wounds so they can reclaim their power to create and become conscious creators of their lives. Our method is efficient and sustainable. It focuses on training and healing through all our four pillars of creation: temple (body), mind, energy, and spiritual.

The results we experience in all areas of our lives such as social, academic, professional, romantic, sexual, financial, vocational, are a result of our wellness in and alignment with our four pillars. We all create our reality through them.

We align and transform your four pillars through exercises and techniques based on neuroscience, metaphysics, and spirituality. We work with perception, beliefs, the meaning we give to things, identity, and connection with our bodies. All our exercises, techniques, and questions we have are focused on helping rewire, reprogram, and retrain the way you think, and as a result the way you behave, and the outcomes you achieve.

We are Transformational Strategists who are masters at assessing the needs individuals and companies have and identifying the new strategies they need to succeed in their goals.

The Four Pillars of Transformation

We align and transform the four pillars you use to create your experiences using exercises and techniques based on neuroscience, metaphysics, and spirituality.

The Body-Temple Pillar

The Energy Pillar

The Mental PIllar

The Spiritual Pillar

The Six Inner Child Wounds

The wounds we have drive our belief systems, our thoughts, how we make decisions, our behavior, our performance, our productivity, how we present ourselves, and what we believe we can achieve.

The Rejection Wound

The Betrayal Wound

The Humiliation Wound

The Injustice Wound

The Abandonment Wound

The Scarcity Wound


Jane -

“…thanks to the techniques I’ve learned in your wonderful program, I feel that I have expanded the knowledge of who I am…, I’ve learned a lot about myself, my strengths, my divinity…”

Elizabeth Hernández - California, USA

“…her amazing program and techniques helped me to overcome depression and anxiety because I have been struggling with this illness and antidepressants for 7 years, also been treating with mental health professionals and nothing helped but this program. After practice the techniques and exercises I notice the change in my life and it was there when I decided that I would like to be a Inner Transformacional Coach…”

Sariah Mendoza - Mexico

“…through the Transformational Coaching program, I realized that I’m responsible for my life and I’m not a victim…I’ve learnt to love and value who I am…, and even though some people have hurt me, they did it because they have emotional wounds…, I found out how to understand and transform my wounds thanks to this program…”

Cecilia - Mexico

“…I was able to acknowledge the wounds I have…, it helped me to become more confident in who I am, my life and whatever happens to it. All of it depends absolutely on me.”

Iris Ballinas -

“…I’ve learned to trust in myself…, value me…, love myself. How can I love someone else if I don’t love myself? I realized that I’m abundant being.”

contact Information

Text or call us at +1 825-863-1752

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